School and Nursery Services
Laura Rowley-Howard, Speech and Language Therapist can tailor a bespoke package to meet the requirements of your school or nursery setting.
You may be looking for a speech and language therapy package which offers regular, full or half days or you may just want a one off visit. Prices vary depending on the level of support required.
This may include:
Informal and formal assessments of student’s individual Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN).
Detailed reports including recommendations for onward referrals.
Target setting.
Regular therapy sessions. These might be 1:1, pairs or small groups.
Providing specialist support and advice.
Support to set up speech, language or phonology groups (as appropriate) run by school staff.
Consultative work: For example, to develop your ability to identify and support children with SLCN, or to support your school to create a communication friendly environment.
Supporting your school to develop targeted and universal provision throughout the school.
Input to meetings and Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) reviews.
Running parent workshops/ coffee mornings with an SLCN focus.
Please get in touch to discuss your specific requirements. Laura Rowley-Howard can produce a service level agreement if regular sessions are required.